The company had called up several bhotels/b in Colorado Springs, about 70 miles outside of Denver, looking for bhotel/b rooms on Sunday night, indicating the World Arena in Colorado Springs, where Smackdown was being taped on 5/26, ...
In reply to Cara's Commentary & Community Chat, Fri, Feb. 13, 2009: Here's the link to the article discussing bestate/b tax in response to TFSA:
Tetrazzini Scores Oscar Hammerstein; Complains of Repertory, Stage Management, and Make-Up of Cast in One Case; He Laughs at Her Views; Says They All Talk Like That ? Sure He Has Found a Wonder in bCarasa/b, the New Spanish Tenor b..../b Taft Is No Reactionary ? The Sea-Level Plan for the Panama Canal ? $1000000 School for Nurses Opened ? Loftiest of bHotels/b for 42d Street ? Anthracite Miners Accept Agreement ? Giants Triumph Over Boston Nine ? Yankees Routed by Red Sox Team b.../b